Babywearing Safety
Carrying your baby in a sling is a beautiful way to bond and make a deep connection. It also enables you to get on with the everyday – whether it’s negotiating with other children, or just a hot cup of tea, having your baby in a sling or carrier can make that all so much easier.
Carrying your baby or toddler in a sling is perfectly safe when practiced with common sense and understanding. As with all things in life a cupful of knowledge and a sprinkling of common sense is the best recipe to ensure a happy carrying experience for you and your little one. We only hire quality baby carriers and slings and provide instructions on their use.
As a Trageschule UK and Slingababy trained Consultants, we can help answer any questions regarding sling safety that you have.
We promote slings and carriers that provide optimal comfort for your baby and for you and the slings and carriers we hire provide great support and the best possible positioning for your baby.
You can learn more about babywearing safety by checking out the T.I.C.K.S. Rules for Safe Babywearing, and the ABC guide courtesy of Babywearing International below.
Please note that you must use the items safely and strictly in accordance with all laws, only for its intended purpose and in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions; we will only hire to you if we are certain that you know how to use the carrier safely and is appropriate for your situation and child being carried.
It is your responsibility to ensure that other members of your family using the carrier are competent and aware of the safety implications of carrying children in a baby carrier. We provide safety leaflets in your hire pack .